Sunny, warm weather and beautiful beaches make South Florida one of the top destinations to live, but with this climate comes an array of household bugs that can invade our homes. As one of the top pest control companies in Palm Beach County, our team at East Coast Sprayers has seen (and treated) it all so we are sharing the 5 most common household bugs you may encounter. 


We are sure we can speak for everyone when we say roaches are our least-welcome house guests. Just the sight of one in our home can send us into a frenzy. Roaches not only spread diseases as they move around searching for food, they shed skin, feces, and body parts that can cause serious allergic reactions. The most common types found in Palm Beach County households include the German cockroach, brown-banded cockroach and the Asian cockroach. 


Ants are a pest that never seem to go away. Our South Florida area is a playground for numerous species of indoor and outdoor ants, but the household bugs in the ant family we see regularly in Palm Beach County are the pharaoh ant, the ghost ant and the pavement ant. These ants feed on the sweet and greasy food we leave behind. With all the nooks and crannies our kitchens have for crumbs to hide, it’s almost impossible to not experience an ant infestation in your lifetime. 


Animals are usually the main carriers of fleas into our homes. While we love our pets, their frequent exposure to the outdoors makes them a prime subject to acquiring fleas. Once inside your home, fleas feed off their host and reproduce at a rapid rate. Once they reproduce, eggs can fall off their original host and make their way to you, your family and other pets in the house. 


It’s typical to walk into a home and find at least one spider hidden away in a perfectly webbed corner. While spiders usually cause us no harm, there are still the few species that can bite and/or are venomous. The harmless household spiders include the domestic house spider, wolf spider and funnel weaver spider. The most common poisonous spiders in the Palm Beach County region may come as no shock to residents; the brown recluse and widows.


Acclaimed across the industry as one of the top household bugs, silverfish are one of those pests that simply aim to annoy. While they don’t bite or carry disease, they can cause damage to your possessions, such as clothing, carpet, paper (that includes books) or anything that stands in their way of food. Silverfish get their name from the coloring and unique movement. If you happen upon one, you will notice how their fast-moving bodies curve as they crawl, almost like a swimming fish. They are mostly attracted to warm, damp, cluttered spaces (think bathrooms, garages and attics) with plenty of areas to hide and sources of food. 


If you are experiencing any of the household bugs described above, give our team a call. We are expertly trained with over 30 years of combined experience in the pest control industry. Our team of licensed professionals know how to quickly eradicate these pests from your home… and keep them from coming back. Call East Coast Sprayers today for your free estimate!

If you are an avid grower in Palm Beach County, you know of (or proudly grow) a rare fruit tree called the lychee tree. Originating in China, this delicious fruit-bearing tree isn’t grown commercially in the United States, besides a few small farms here in Florida. Favorable tropical conditions in South Florida allow us the unique opportunity to grow this tree. But with every great opportunity comes unique threats in pest control. Introducing: The lychee erinose mite. 

Lychee Erinose Mite Treatment, East Coast Sprayers
East Coast Sprayers treating a lychee erinose mite infestation.


First discovered in Florida in 2018, the lychee erinose mite itself is undetectable without a microscope, but it leaves a path of destruction that cannot be ignored. Like other varieties of mites, they pierce the fleshy leaves and feed on the moisture inside of your plants. The Lychee erinose mite specifically attacks the lychee trees, creating a dense, wool-like erinose on the underside of leaves where they live, feed, and reproduce. 


Heavy infestations of lychee erinose mites can cause severe damage to your lychee tree, including: 

  • Blistering, curled and disformed leaves 
  • Reduced photosynthesis
  • Decline in tree growth
  • Reduced flowering/fruit production


If you have a lychee tree and notice an orange-brown velvety growth on the underside of your leaves, blisters on the leaf tops and a decline in your tree’s flowering/fruit production, we can help. 


East Coast Sprayers is the top lychee erinose mite eradicator in Palm Beach County and has successfully treated infestations from Jupiter, FL to Boca Raton, FL. With eradication methods perfected by our team in conjunction with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, your tree can be on its way back to health in a few short months. East Coast Sprayers will evaluate your lychee trees and provide a free treatment estimate – Call us today and let our team of licensed professionals help bring your landscape back to health! 

It seems like the rain is never going to stop here in Palm Beach County. While we are heading into hurricane season, the rainfall our area gets during this time can wreak serious havoc on your lawn. Here are some rainy season issues we are seeing right now and some helpful tips to keep your lawn in pristine condition through the summer.


Heavy Rain Brings Fungus


As the moisture continues to rise, you may be noticing patches of dead-looking grass in your lawn. Fungus thrives on moisture and the more rain we get here in Palm Beach County, the more susceptible your lawn is to fungus. Some of the common fungus breakouts we are seeing now are gray leaf spot and brown patch fungus. Gray leaf spot favors conditions of high humidity and moisture, and it spreads through your lawn during heavy rainfall. Brown patch fungus is prevalent during times of prolonged wetness and can develop quickly, popping up overnight. Keep a close eye on your lawn during the summer and call East Coast Sprayers at the first sign of fungus!


Turn off the Irrigation


While your irrigation system is a benefit to your landscape (and a no-brainer for the South Florida homeowner), the automated setup can be easy to forget. When heavy rainfall is expected in our area, remember to turn off your sprinklers for a few days. Over saturation of your lawn can cause fungal disease, such as gray leaf spot and brown patch fungus, and ultimately drown your landscape.


Call the Professionals at East Coast Sprayers


If you are experiencing issues with fungus, you should always call an expert. The licensed professionals at East Coast Sprayers can diagnose your rain-induced fungus issues and custom-tailor a treatment plan specifically for your lawn. Contact us today for a free estimate and let us help you get your lawn healthy again!

As you drive around Palm Beach County, you’re more likely than not to see large groups of iguanas lounging around our local lakes and waterways. These invasive iguanas have become a nuisance to our homes and neighborhoods, businesses, local parks, and commercial properties. Researches aren’t sure exactly how many of these pests roam wildly in South Florida, but estimate the numbers can be well into the hundreds of thousands. If you don’t already know the destruction these reptiles can do, here’s some of the damaging effects of iguanas on our local landscape.


Iguanas Can Damage Your Property


You’ve spent countless hours and dollars keeping your home or business looking its best. When an iguana moves in to your landscape, you will encounter damage in many ways. Iguanas live in burrows deep in the ground that can uproot and undermine seawalls, foundations, and bulkheads. Living on your property, their feces can be a source of salmonella and containment your pools. In addition to their burrows, there have been more and more reports of iguanas causing power outages and internet black-outs by climbing electrical poles and eating wires. Finally, while iguanas are mostly vegetarian, they feed on your beautiful flowers, shrubs, and vegetable gardens, causing expansive damage to your landscape.


Iguanas Can Injure You and Your Pets


For the most part, iguanas are going to run from any imminent danger. As you approach one, they will either run into their burrow or dive into the nearest body of water. While they aren’t a relatively aggressive pest, if you happen to corner an iguana, they will defend themselves. Iguanas have sharp teeth, used for foraging on plants, and will bite to protect themselves. They also have the ability to use their long tails like whips and will snap their tails in the face of a predator.


Iguana Removal and Control


If you’re looking to deter or scare off iguanas in your yard, you may want to avoid planting iguana-preferred vegetation, spray them with the water hose and make noises so their atmosphere is unwelcoming. Most importantly, NEVER feed them. If you find a burrow in your yard, collapse the hole and fill it in with dirt. Doing your part to make them feel unwelcome will help to keep them at bay.


If your property is overrun with iguanas and you need them removed, the professionals at East Coast Sprayers are here to help. We will evaluate your iguana population and determine the best removal method. Contact us today for your estimate to help remove these pests from your landscape.

The overwhelming heat and humidity of summer is starting to leave as fall is settling in to Palm Beach County. You’ve been breaking your back all summer; mowing weekly, fertilizing regularly and watering your lawn to keep the heat from burning it up. With fall on its way, East Coast Sprayers is here to help make your lawn care needs simpler and let you get back to enjoying your South Florida lifestyle.


Lightly Fertilize


Throughout the rest of the county, fertilizing in the fall would be considered a big no-no. But in South Florida, we have our own set of rules to go along with our unique weather. Fertilizing in the fall will keep your lawn lush and green year round, so don’t stop even though the weather is getting cooler. Lightly fertilize your entire lawn to make sure you get the best from your fall lawn prep.


Reduce Mowing


As soon as you notice a slight dip in the temperatures, reduce your mowing schedule. Even though we have year round sun here in South Florida, your grass doesn’t grow as fast once the seasons change into fall and winter. Cutting too often and too low will cause unnecessary damage, so make sure to adjust your mower blades and limit your mowing to every other week.


Listen to Your Lawn


Don’t ignore the signs your lawn is giving you. If the blades of your grass change in color, it needs water. If everything looks fine, let it be. Over-watering in the fall can cause irreversible effects… So walk on it, feel it, touch it. Listen to your grass and change your watering schedule as needed. If you rely on an irrigation system, make sure to adjust for the season so you can continue to maintain a beautiful lawn. 


Fall Lawn Care Help


If you’re struggling with your landscape through the changing seasons, the professionals at East Coast Sprayers are always here to lend a helping hand. We will make sure to give your lawn the right amount of fertilization, as well as guide you through new watering and mowing habits for the season. Don’t hesitate to contact us, we will give you a free estimate to help keep your lawn lush all year round!

Did you wake up and find areas of your grass seemed to have yellowed overnight? Do you notice these yellow and brown patches of grass are forming in an irregular, donut-like shape? If you answered yes to these questions, you may have a lawn fungus called brown patch.


Causes of Brown Patch Fungus


Summer in Palm Beach County is hot, humid and sunny; what we at East Coast Sprayers like to call the brown patch trifecta. Brown patch fungus typically develops (but remains dormant) during the cooler months when the temperature is below 80 degrees, but flourishes in the summer when the heat and humidity conditions are just right. Over watering your lawn during the summer months can increase your chances of a fungus outbreak.


Brown Patch Fungus Preventative Tips


  • Water in the morning, giving your lawn time to dry out before nightfall
  • Mow your lawn frequently to help dry out leaf blades
  • Shut off your sprinkler system during periods of heavy summer rain
  • Avoid high levels of nitrogen – fast release form especially! 
  • Continue pre and post-emergent weed control to avoid sprouting weeds in those thinning areas
  • Fertilize your lawn to replenish vital nutrients necessary to fight off fungus and disease
  • Use preventative fungicides from May to September 

If you have already noticed signs of brown patch fungus, it’s too late for preventative treatments. Not to worry! Brown patch doesn’t typically kill a lawn. Your grass can grow new blades come spring with proper care and spring-time lawn fertilization


Brown Patch Fungus Treatment and Help


When it comes to brown patch fungus, prevention is always the key. East Coast Sprayers can develop a preventative treatment plan specifically designed for your Palm Beach County lawn. We carefully consider our South Florida weather conditions and apply weed control or lawn fertilization treatments during the most optimal time. Contact us today to see how we can help keep your lawn pristine year round!

We live in South Florida for a number of reasons: warm climate all year round, beautiful beaches, and plenty of activities and things to do. But we can’t escape the pests that habitat our area. Whiteflies are a big concern here in Palm Beach County and they are so good at camouflage, you may not even know you have them until it’s too late. 


What are Whiteflies?


Whiteflies are tiny, white, winged insects that suck on the nutrients in your plants. They damage your plants by not only draining its fluids and causing it to wilt but also by secreting honeydew onto its leaves. This honeydew form into fungal diseases that can severely damage or kill off your precious ornamentals or vegetable plants (their favorite!). Whiteflies are also very attracted to ficus hedges, which are prominent in our Palm Beach County landscapes. 


How to Identify Whiteflies


As mentioned, whiteflies are so small and easily camouflaged, it may take a little work to identify them. You can check your plants by shaking the leaves, as they will all fly off in swarm when disturbed. Turn over your leaves and you may find sticky honeydew left behind. Whiteflies are also quick reproducers, laying up to 400 eggs at one time. You can identify whitefly eggs by their extremely tiny size and pale yellow color laid in a circular pattern. Larvae are little white ovals and you can find them sucking on your plants nutrients on the underside of your leaves.


How to Prevent and Treat Whitefly


It’s always best to prevent an infestation before it can happen to you. The professionals at East Coast Sprayers know whitefly like the backs of their hands and can easily identify if you’re susceptible or if you need treatment for an existing whitefly breakout. We will tailor an insect control treatment plan specifically for you to ensure a beautiful, lush landscape for years to come. Contact us today for your free evaluation!

Living in Palm Beach County comes with its perks, but it also comes with the insects and pests that make their home in your landscape. Aphids and scales are two of the common found insects that invade and cause destruction in South Florida plants. East Coast Sprayers know how important curb appeal is to our customers, and we are here to help keep aphids and scales away with pest control treatments and programs designed for you.


Aphids in Palm Beach County


Aphids can primarily be found in your flowering plants, feeding on the juices from the stems, leaves and flower buds. Their feeding causes your flower petals to curl and hinders the overall growth of the plant. These pests reproduce quickly and aphid larvae feed on the roots of the plant. 


Luckily, aphids can be easy to eradicate as their bodies don’t offer much protection. In addition to treating the live insects with a pesticide, the professionals at East Coast Sprayers can apply a treatment during their dormant season to kill any wintering eggs.


Scales in Palm Beach County


While scales have a different appearance than aphids, they have almost identical destructive behaviors. They suck the juices from your plants, leaving them discolored and damaged. In addition, they secrete honeydew, which quickly forms into a sooty mold which can reduce photosynthesis. This mold can remain on your foliage long after killing them off and cause extreme damage or death of the plant. Preventative treatments can help reduce the odds of scales ever harming your plants, while our specialists can help eradicate their presence if you currently have an infestation.


Aphids and Scales Treatment in Palm Beach County


If you’re experiencing issues with your landscape similar to what we’ve described above, it may be time to call East Coast Sprayers. We are professionals who understand the ins and outs of your landscape, as well as how to control pests and insects that invade it. Contact us today for a free evaluation of your aphid and scale epidemic and let us create a custom treatment just for you.

Look around – your neighbors and friends are enjoying summer family gatherings on their green, well-manicured lawns. Don’t be envious; you too can have a beautiful lawn at your own Palm Beach County home! All it takes is regular lawn fertilization and feeding to keep your grass green year round. East Coast Sprayers is here to help explain the benefits of feeding and fertilizing your lawn. 

Weed Reduction

Grass with deep, healthy roots are less susceptible to weeds. Regular feeding and fertilization gives your lawn the vital nutrients it needs to grow strong and healthy – leaving no room for menacing weeds to invade. Weed control is hard to overcome, so it’s best to prevent weeds before they even have the chance. 

Resistance to Pests

Whether or not your fertilizer contains pesticides to protect against bugs, a strong lawn has better defenses to stand up against pest damage and healthy roots leave them with little room to dig or burrow into the soil. Proper fertilization can provide insect control simply by strengthening the root system and overall health of your grass.

Disease Defense

Think of fertilization as a regular supplement to support the immune system and fight off illness. Feeding and fertilizing your lawn gives your it the health-boost to protect against ruthless disease that can wreak havoc on your landscape.

Overall Lawn Health

Feeding and fertilizing your lawn gives it the essential nutrients it needs to flourish. Just like we need food and water, your grass needs the perfect blend of nitrogen, potassium and phosphate to maintain it’s dense, green appearance. The overall health of your grass can be easily improved with proper fertilization on a regular basis.

Lawn Fertilization and Feeding Help

While there are many do-it-yourself techniques, it’s always best to leave the health of your lawn up to the professionals. East Coast Sprayers can quickly establish which nutrients your lawn is lacking and customize a fertilization plan specifically for you. Our team of lawn “doctors” will evaluate, diagnose and prescribe a regular treatment program to keep your Palm Beach County lawn healthy. Contact us today at (561) 203-5555 for a free evaluation!

In Palm Beach County, we are used to the heat, daily rain, and bugs that come along with summertime. While we can’t control the weather, we can control the pests that are invading your landscape this time of year. Since we have been seeing an influx of grubs taking over our customer’s lawns recently, here’s some information on these destructive insects and how East Coast Sprayers can help maintain your beautiful lawn. 


Identifying Grubs


Grubs are the little, white larvae of June beetles. They love to feed on organic matter in the soil, such as your grass roots. If you are not sure if you have a grub problem, here are some tell-tale signs:


  • Your lawn feels spongy when you walk on it
  • Foraging animals such as raccoons, armadillos, skunks and birds are digging up your lawn to feed on the grubs
  • Dead parts of your lawn can be pulled back like carpet from grubs eating the root systems

The key to controlling grubs is to kill them before they hatch. Insect control preventative treatments can be applied in the early summer in Palm Beach County to help eliminate the issue before it even starts. 


Grubs Treatment


East Coast Sprayers have the knowledge you need to help keep your Palm Beach County property free of insects all summer long. Our team can provide a free evaluation of your infestation and outline a treatment plan for grubs in your landscape. Contact us today and let us help you get rid of what’s bugging you!