Did you know that these colder months can bring about a threat to your lush, green lawn? Specifically, the dreaded brown patch fungus, a common problem East Coast Sprayers sees in Palm Beach County. In this blog post, we will explore the connection between cold weather, overwatering and the onset of this detrimental lawn disease.

Understanding Brown Patch Fungus

Welcome to the complex world of brown patch fungus, or as the scientists like to call it, Rhizoctonia. This pesky lawn disease has a nasty habit of quickly spreading across your turf, leaving large, eye-catching patches of faded and wilting grass in its wake. Quite the eyesore, wouldn’t you agree?

This tricky culprit doesn’t play by the rules, it thrives in a vast range of environments. However, just like we all have our favorite hangouts, this fungus loves nothing more than a nice cool and wet atmosphere. Now, it’s important to understand that this fungus doesn’t just wake up one day and decide to invade your lawn. It’s a gradual process, and identifying the signs early can make all the difference in protecting your lawn. But we’ll dive deeper into that in the next section.

For now, let’s just say that understanding your enemy is the first step towards victory. By knowing what brown patch fungus is and the conditions it loves, you’re already on your way to guarding your lawn against its invasion. Just remember – a well-cared-for lawn is your best defense against this unwelcome intruder.

Spotting the Symptoms of Brown Patch Fungus

Keep a vigilant eye on your lawn as early detection of brown patch fungus is crucial to nip this problem in the bud. This notorious fungus doesn’t hide in plain sight – it has its way of announcing its presence. To start with, it might seem like your lawn is just having a few bad hair days with small, circular areas of brown, wilted grass popping up here and there. However, if left unchecked, this sneaky intruder will swiftly expand its territory, causing a patchy, leopard-like pattern on your once vibrant lawn.

What sets this fungus apart is its distinctive ‘smoke ring’ – a tell-tale sign you should be on the lookout for. This is a dark, smoky ring that seems to outline the afflicted patches of grass.

Don’t ignore these signs, especially during the chilly, damp weather. That’s when this fungus tends to thrive the most. So, the moment you spot these symptoms on your lawn, it’s time to take action. Because in the game of lawn care, prevention is key, and the first step to prevention is knowing what to look for.

Overwatering: A Recipe for Disaster

Who doesn’t love a long, refreshing drink of water after a strenuous workout? Just like us, our lawns crave hydration. However, in the same way that chugging a gallon of water at once would be a bad idea for us, drenching our lawns can lead to a host of issues, not least of all the dreaded brown patch fungus.

Picture this: you’re generously watering your lawn in an effort to keep it lush and vibrant, but unbeknownst to you, you’re creating an ideal breeding ground for fungus. Overwatering tends to saturate the soil, denying it the much-needed aeration. As the soil gets waterlogged, the roots of your grass get deprived of oxygen, leaving your lawn gasping for breath.

But that’s not all. The constant dampness on your grass blades from overwatering serves as an open invitation to fungal spores, saying, “hey, come and grow on me!” This damp environment is an all-inclusive resort for the fungus, where it can flourish, multiply, and before you know it, dominate your lovely green turf.

So, while your intention might be to nourish your lawn with abundant water, it’s essential to remember that too much of anything can be harmful. Striking a balance is key. After all, the last thing you want is to be the unwitting accomplice in your lawn’s downfall. So next time you reach for that hose, remember, moderation is the key. As they say, “Water wisely, and your lawn will thank you for it.”

The Role of Cold Weather in Brown Patch Fungus

Picture this: the temperature dips, you pull out your winter wardrobe, and everything begins to slow down, including the metabolism of your lawn. As temperatures drop, the excess moisture in your lawn struggles to evaporate at the usual pace typical of a warm, sunny day in South Florida.

This increase in moisture isn’t just a chilly nuisance; it’s the perfect invitation for the brown patch fungus to set up camp. This moist environment is like a five-star hotel for the fungus, encouraging it to multiply, spread, and, before you know it, take over your beautiful green lawn.

In essence, the colder months equip this unwelcome guest with just the right tools to invade, thrive, and spread across your lawn. This is why it’s crucial to keep an eye on your turf and adjust your lawn care routine during these months. Remember, this sneaky fungus loves nothing more than a cold, wet home to grow in, and the winter weather often provides it with just that.

When in Doubt: Turn Off the Irrigation

Cold weather calls for a bit of a watering shake-up when it comes to your beloved lawn. If the weather’s chilly and there’s a decent amount of rainfall, don’t hesitate to pull back on the irrigation, or maybe even switch it off entirely. It might seem counterintuitive, but remember, grass can fare better with a little thirst than being completely drenched.

Irrigation is all about balance. You want to water your lawn, but you don’t want to create a water park for the brown patch fungus. What’s the solution? Deep, infrequent watering sessions. This allows the soil a breather, a chance to dry up before you water again. This simple shift can make all the difference in preventing the pesky fungus from making your lawn its home.

So, next time you’re unsure about whether or not to irrigate, remember this little piece of advice: less can often be more, especially when dealing with a damp-loving intruder like the brown patch fungus. It’s all about creating an environment that promotes the health of your lawn while denying the fungus the conditions it needs to thrive. Because let’s be honest, the only thing you want flourishing on your lawn is lush, green grass, right?

Seeking Professional Help for Brown Patch Fungus

Spotting brown patches on your lawn can certainly cause concern. But, no need to fret, East Coast Sprayers are here! Call upon the expertise of a seasoned lawn care provider. Our green-thumbed experts can accurately identify if you are dealing with the notorious brown patch fungus and craft a custom lawn fertilization treatment plan to return your lawn to its lush glory. Opting for professional intervention not only saves you the elbow grease, but it could also save your greens, both the grass and the cash! It’s a win-win situation. So, when in doubt, reach out to the pros. Because let’s face it, your lawn deserves the best defense against its fungal foes. Team up with the experts at East Coast Sprayers and keep your lawn lush, green, and fungus-free.

Keeping freshly cut, lush green grass is the hallmark of a beautiful lawn. This seemingly easy task is endlessly complicated by factors ranging from your soil, grass, weather, and proximity to the ocean. If you’re debating lawn fertilization services in Jupiter, FL, you aren’t alone. Many homeowners choose East Coast Sprayers for perfectly green lawns.  

Lawn Fertilization Service Jupiter FL

Things to Know Before Fertilizing  

Fertilizing is a practical step to take to ensure your grass has the nutrients it needs to grow. To fertilize correctly, it takes a planned approach rather than doing so when you have the time. Feeding your lawn with energy needs to be calculated and precise for superior results.  

Here are some things to keep in mind: 

  • The peak grow season for your grass 
  • The pH levels of your soil 
  • The type of grass you have 
  • How much fertilizer you’ll need 

Failing to account for one of those may result in harm to your lawn, opening up further problems for you. This is why many homeowners rely on our services as opposed to DIY solutions. While less expensive by default, choosing the right fertilizer got your unique needs will be endlessly difficult if not impossible. 

How Often Should You Fertilize  

While the bulk of the answer lies in the grass you have, it’s always a good idea to fertilize at least three times a year. However, those with turfgrass in Northern and Central Florida will see a shorter growing season than those in Delray. Therefore, the longer the growing season, the more you’ll need to fertilize.   

Fertilizing in the spring, fall, end of winter, and summer are the four best times to fertilize. Partner with east coast sprayers today to never forget these highly important months. 

Why Choose Professional Fertilization Services? 

If you’re interested in having a lawn that the neighborhood is envious of, you’ll need professional care. Our skilled and experienced lawn fertilization team can service both residential and commercial clients, delivering superb results for both.  

We take a very personalized approach to greening your yard. Why? No two plots of land are the same. Our team will:  

  • Identify your grass type  
  • Assess your soil thoroughly 
  • Consider your location and its impact on your turf 
  • Analyze your weather patterns 

After pouring over any factor contributing to poor growth, we can formulate a tailored plan for your unique circumstances.   

You may still be wondering why you need professional services. If you’re like the rest of us, you’re likely to have a hectic schedule with free time at a premium. In these cases, we encourage you to sit back, relax, and let our trained professionals handle the problem for you. 

Other Services We Offer 

While treating your soil and grass is one thing, perhaps the issues you’re having are caused by pests. If so, our multifaceted team can help with these concerns as well. No matter the cause of your less than green lawn, East Coast Sprayers has the knowledge, experience, and tools to resolve any problems you may have.  

Lawn Fertilization Service Jupiter FL

It’s Time to Receive Lawn Fertilization Services in Jupiter, FL 

You see your lawn daily, so don’t settle for less than lush green. At East Coast Sprayers, we understand that brown, dead grass is an eyesore, so we’ve made it our mission to correct the problem one lawn at a time. Call us today! 

While South Floridians enjoy lots of sunshine and warm weather, many of them are also trying to prevent those pesky iguanas from destroying their landscape plants, flowers, and shrubs. When these creatures threaten to invade your commercial property, you wouldn’t want to wait until they wreak havoc on your lawn. Do yourself a favor by enlisting the help of the most reliable pest control service providers in Lantana, FL – East Coast Sprayers.

iguana Pest Control Service Lantana, FL

What You Should Know About Iguanas


Since iguanas are herbivores, they feast on decorative plants, vegetable gardens, fruit trees, and shrubs. Additionally, they can easily tear up well-manicured lawns and create eyesores by creating burrows. Besides eating, destroying landscaping, and stinking up swimming pools, they can also cause damage to seawalls and foundations.

Due to their excellent digging abilities and superior climbing skills, commercial property owners find it extremely challenging to get rid of them. What’s more, iguanas are territorial creatures that won’t leave on their own.

Health and Safety Risks

If you catch an iguana eating your flowers, don’t even think about picking them up by hand for relocation. These large lizards carry infectious bacteria called Salmonella that can be passed to humans via contact with the iguana or their fecal matter.

Some of the most severe symptoms of this illness include fever, vomiting, and debilitating diarrhea. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly if you have any contact with an iguana or their droppings.

When iguanas sunbathe on sidewalks or commercial patios and seawalls, they tend to get in the way of passing pedestrians. When these pests feel threatened, they won’t hesitate to scratch, bite, or use their muscular tail to deliver powerful scratches.

How to Rid Your Commercial Property of Iguanas

Never Leave Food Out Unattended

You shouldn’t allow leftovers to sit outside. Unless you clean up your mess right away, iguanas won’t think twice before they try to eat the bowl of fruit left unattended.

Dispose of Any Dropped Fruit

Since iguanas won’t be able to resist fruit that’s easy to get to, be sure to rid your lawn of low-hanging or dropped fruit. While you’re at it, don’t forget to discard them in a closed garbage bin. Put a cinder block on the lid to prevent smart iguanas from lifting the lid, sliding in, and digging through your garbage looking for food.

Fill Iguana Holes

The best time to fill iguana holes is when they’re out roaming during the day. Before you fill the holes with dirt and top them with sod, be sure to stuff large rocks in them first.

Returning iguanas won’t dig through the rocks. Filling iguana holes with rocks and dirt can also prevent their eggs from hatching.

iguana Pest Control Service Lantana, FL

Hire Pest Control Service in Lantana, FL!

Unfortunately, iguana populations show no signs of decline because these creatures face only a few competitors or natural predators in the wild. While some people can choose to coexist with these pests, this isn’t an option for most business owners. If you need help in controlling the iguana problem plaguing your commercial property, get in touch with East Coast Sprayers to schedule an inspection.

Chinch bugs may be tiny, but they’re responsible for millions of dollars in lawn damage annually. If these grass-killing insects are threatening to take over your commercial property, you should reach out to the team of experts at East Coast Sprayers. With their personalized lawn spraying treatments in West Palm Beach, FL, you can finally say goodbye to all of your turf troubles. 

Lawn Spraying West Palm Beach FL


What Is a Southern Chinch Bug?

Unlike other insects, the Southern Chinch Bug (Blissus insularis Barber) undergoes incomplete metamorphosis. This means that it goes through gradual changes throughout its three life stages – egg, nymph, and adult.  

What Does It Look Like?

Depending on its host plant and environmental conditions, a female chinch bug can produce up to 300 eggs within the course of its life with an average of four eggs per day. Its oval-shaped eggs measure about 1 mm in length and are usually deposited in the thatch layer, on the surfaces of leaves, and within the leaf sheath.  

These eggs hatch into yellow larvae before they morph as nymphs. Although nymphs look a lot like adults, they’re smaller, they have bright red or orange bodies with white bands on their abdomens, and they don’t have wings.  

On the other hand, adult southern chinch bugs are flying insects with white patches on their wings and measure about 0.2 inches (4.7 mm) long. While those that have long and full-length wings are called macropterous, those that have short and reduced wings are called brachypterous. Depending on the temperature and food supply, adult chinch bug lifespans can range between ten to as many as 70 days.  

Are They Hardy Species?

If you think that southern chinch bug colonies die off with seasonal changes, think again. These are hardy creatures that can manage to survive cool weather. Since South Florida’s winter weather is extremely milk, these bugs won’t stop populating and recolonizing as they spread across your entire lawn. 

What Does It Feed On?

Although these insects love to feast on St. Augustine grass, they also feed on other turfgrasses including the following:  

  • Bahiagrass 
  • Bermudagrass 
  • Kentucky bluegrass 
  • Fescues 
  • Perennial ryegrass 
  • Crabgrass 
  • Zoysiagrass 
  • Centipedegrass. 

Both juvenile and mature southern chinch bugs live in the thatch and feed on grass stems, stolons, and crowns by piercing these parts with their needle-like mouthparts and sucking the plant juices. To facilitate easy feeding, their bodies automatically release enzymes that continue to cause damage to the grass even after feeding.  

Furthermore, these insects tend to feed in clusters or groups. Once they exhaust a food supply in one area, they move in a mass migration to another spot within the lawn area. 

What Are the Signs of a Southern Chinch Bug Lawn Infestation?

You may be dealing with a southern chinch bug infestation if your lawn displays circular, sunken patches of yellowish-brown grass. In most cases, these infected areas occur first along the water-stressed edges of the lawn or areas where the grass is growing in full sunlight.  

When the infestation is at its worst, you’ll see these insects running over the grass blades. In South Florida, severe lawn damage typically becomes more evident in the months of March through November. 

Lawn Spraying West Palm Beach FL

Are You In Need of Pest Control Lawn Spraying Treatment in West Palm Beach, FL?

If left unchecked, southern chinch bug colonies will continue to multiply until they kill your once-healthy lawn. Luckily, the lawn care professionals at East Coast Sprayers can help you eliminate these pests and bring your dying lawn back to life. Contact us today to schedule an inspection. 

Palm trees make gorgeous additions to your landscaping. Like anything in your yard, you need to get them in the best shape possible.


If you’re unsure of the best ways to take care of your gorgeous palm trees, check out all you need to know about the top palm tree care tips.


Types of Palm Trees


It’s important to know that there are different types of palm trees. Depending on the type that you have, the needs and maintenance may vary. In Florida, the most common types of palm trees are:


  • Coconut palm
  • Bismarck Palm
  • Queen Palm
  • Royal Palm

Once you know the type of palm tree that you own, then you can ensure that you are properly caring for it.


Temperature Needs


Palm trees can survive in different temperatures and climates. While some are used to year-round high temperatures, others palm trees can handle cold weather. Cold weather can slow down tree growth and over time it can be susceptible to disease.


If there’s ever a cold snap, be sure to wrap a blanket around the bottom of the palm tree. This can give the tree protection until the temperatures warm up.


Lighting Needs


When it comes to palm tree care, you should be educated on the type of lighting that your tree needs. Some palms are very particular when it comes to their light preferences. If you’re planning to plant palm trees in your yard, be sure you know how much light they need to thrive.


If you have a plant that needs more shade, planting it where it will receive constant, direct sunlight is a recipe for disaster. It will lead to brown leaves that will eventually die.


Soil Needs


Did you know that palm trees receive the majority of their nutrients from the topsoil? You need to know whether your palm tree needs alkaline or acid. If the pH level is off in some soils, that particular tree won’t grow and thrive.


Palm Root Feeding


Are you familiar with palm root feeding? It’s an important part of palm tree maintenance. Depending on the area that you live, palm trees require extra fertilization.Â


Palm root feeding involves blending proper fertilizers and injecting them deep below the surface of the soil. This provides the palm tree with an adequate amount of nutrients to ward off disease and better handle the climate.


Water Needs


Since palm trees are used to warm climates, they don’t need a lot of water to survive. However, when you first plant a palm, you will want to be sure that it’s being watered twice a week for the first 6 months.


Keep Your Palm Tree in Top Notch Condition


Knowing the top palm tree care tips can keep your palm trees looking beautiful year round. It’s always a great idea to educate yourself on any plants that you have in your landscaping.Â


Do you want to discuss palm root feeding? Do you have questions regarding pest control or fertilization? Contact us today. Be sure to ask about a free estimate on your landscaping needs.

Yellow grass becomes common during the fall months. But, common doesn’t mean healthy.


If your yard could double as a miniature cornfield, then you may want to address it. (And if it’s happening in the spring and summer, you’ll definitely want to address it.)


In the following article, we’ll be discussing ways you can do so. But first, let’s get an endgame in mind. What should grass look like?


The short answer: not yellow. The long answer: green and lush, like a thick carpet.


Grass blades that don’t fit the bill could be unhealthy for a number of reasons. Thankfully, much of it’s within your control.


Top Causes of Grass Turning Yellow


Grass making that dreaded turn is dying. There are many causes as to why. Here are the most common:


Not Enough Sunlight


There may be large trees blocking most of the rays, resulting in yellow patches throughout your yard.


Not Enough Water


Drought seasons can make it difficult for grass to grow, and if you’re not making up for it artificially, then a change is going to come (and not for the better).


Weed Influx


Weeds are not just problematic for gardens. They also can be a sign you’re not mowing enough or you didn’t do anything about the heavy leaf fall during the fall and winter. You can make up for it by more mowing and raking.


Animal Contamination


Fertilizer usually is a good thing, so why do people get so irate when a dog urinates on their yard? It probably has something to do with the fact urine isn’t a fertilizer. Urine can cause “lawn burn,” or discoloration in patches that are hard to get out.


Bonus tip! If you do need help with finding the right fertilizers to resurrect dead grass, make sure you bookmark this page.


How to Make Grass Green


We briefly touched on it some above, but let’s take a closer look at how we can improve the health of our grass. These tips are good no matter what the season.


First, consider removing trees that are problematic and replanting elsewhere. If you can’t bring yourself to cut down a tree, trim back the branches so more sunlight gets through.


Then, post signs asking dog owners to keep their pets from using your yard as a toilet. If the signs don’t work, consider installing fencing or going to the person (if you know them) and asking directly.


You can also install a sprinkler system or set up sprinklers in an area where they can easily water the yellow portions of your yard. Conserve water in other portions of your home or property so your bills don’t skyrocket.


Or, you could use a weed killer. Buy a rake. Incorporate both to ensure the healthy grass isn’t getting choked out like a hapless MMA fighter caught in a rear-naked choke.


And finally, don’t let it get away from you. Changes to your yard can happen quickly as you get caught up in day-to-day responsibilities. Stay vigilant!


Yellow Grass Is the Neighborhood Eyesore


You don’t want to be the neighbor responsible for yellow grass. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid it. And, remember to take quick action when you notice the first signs, especially during the winter.


Need to get your grass back in top shape? Contact us today to learn how we can help.

In the United States, lawns cover approximately 63,000 square miles of the country – roughly the size of the state of Texas. And one of the most beautiful decorations for a lawn has always been the tree.


Healthy shade trees and flowering trees are known to add beauty and value to America’s lawns. But caring for these giant plants can be a bit difficult for a novice. Knowing how to prune a tree properly can take your backyard or curb appeal up a notch, and helps to keep your acreage healthy.


Pruning is the simplest way to keep your trees vibrant while also keeping their growths controlled.


It’s a lot like trimming split ends on your hair – sloughing off what’s unnecessary means a more beautiful and lively tree!


Why You Should Prune


Trees can become unruly, which could jeopardize the health of the plants or grass below. Additionally, thunderstorms or other extreme weather conditions could impede the growth of new branches by damaging old ones.


It’s necessary to remove sick or damaged branches to give your trees a chance for fresh growth. Winter and autumn pruning and tree trimming are fantastic times to prepare the way for spring! If you don’t know how to do it yourself, a local tree trimming service should help.


Air circulation is another reason to prune your tree branches. Thinning the crown – the top, thick part of your tree – can improve its health and allow it more air flow to respirate. (Yes, trees respirate!)


Last but not least, you can shape a tree into your favorite lawn design with tree trimming or pruning. Topiaries are shaped trees that are popular in gardens the world over. If you love pruning and natural art – you could create your own masterpiece by pruning.


How to Prune a Tree


Beginning lawnscapers might prefer to hire a tree trimming service to prune their arboreal beauties. But if you want to learn how to prune your own trees, all you have to do is try!


You will need a well-kept pair of pruning shears for your project, and protective gloves for gardening are also highly encouraged.


The key to pruning a tree is cutting a wedge shape into the branch you wish to discard. Make sure you’re only removing unhealthy or unwanted sections of the tree. It’s important to preserve as much healthy growth as possible, as it makes for happy trees and a beautiful lawn.


One thing to remember: your wedge shape cut should always be on the branch side of your tree – not on the stem or trunk. Think of it like giving the tree a haircut. You’ll want to cut the hair, not cut into the scalp.


It takes practice to learn the wedge-cutting technique but learning how to prune a tree really is that simple.


Learn More about Lawn Care


Now that you know how to prune a tree, we hope you’ll choose to learn more from East Coast Sprayers about weeding and other lawncare tips.


For lawn care needs you can’t DIY, we look forward to hearing from you!

Did you know, the tallest palm tree grew to be just under 200 feet tall?


Such a feat certainly required maintenance and a lot of sunlight! Are you growing your own palm trees? Then, you’ll know by now that your palm tree needs fertilizer to grow.


But, you may be wondering, what’s the best fertilizer for palm trees? In this article, we’ll help you figure out what you need to buy to ensure your palm tree reaches its full potential.


Types of Palm Trees


Did you know, there are 2,500 species of palm trees? They can be found all over the world, whether you’re in the rainforest or the desert. Many of these species can live to be over 100 years old.


Just a few popular palm tree species include:


  • Date palm – you’ll know this plant thanks to its sweet, delicious fruit.
  • Queen palm – this plant is native to South America but is now found all around the world.
  • Cocos nucifera – aka the coconut tree. It’s not the case that ALL palm trees proffer this tasty fruit but all coconuts do, in fact, come from palm trees.

It’ll take a long time to read through the 2,497 other palm tree species so we’ll spare you! Regardless of which species of palm tree you own, there are a few maintenance tips you should learn.


What Fertilizer is Best for Your Palm Tree?


If you’re new to growing these tropical plants, you may wonder why even fertilize your palm tree at all?


The answer is that many palm trees grow in soil which doesn’t have the needed requirements to keep the leaves of the tree looking lush and green. If your tree’s leaves are turning yellow, you’re not providing it with what it needs to grow.


It’s essential, when buying fertilizer, to choose something which is “slow-releasing”. Also, always check that the fertilizer you have chosen is specifically designed for use on palm trees.


Nutrients to look out for that your palm tree requires, include:


  • Nitrogen – this is essential and your plant needs a lot.
  • Potassium – same as above
  • Iron – not as much of this nutrient is required by your plant but it’s still useful.
  • Manganese
  • Magnesium

Unfortunately, due to these nutrients, it’s very difficult to make a fertilizer at home. Instead, invest in Palm Root Feeding services to ensure your palm trees are well looked after.


How to Care for Your Palm Tree


Before you choose to include palm trees in your landscaping, you should make sure that you’re up for the financial commitment.


As well as having to pay for twice-yearly Palm Root Feeding services to ensure your palm is healthy, you should also prune your trees regularly.


If you’re not sure what you’re doing, it’s necessary to hire a professional. In trying to help your palm tree, you could do a lot more damage to it.


We provide care and maintenance programs and even pesticide and fungicide treatments.


Palm Trees are a Beautiful Investment


With the right treatment, your palm trees will stand tall and strong for up to a century.


Make sure you set your palm tree up for a long and healthy life by requesting a free quote for palm tree maintenance. We are available with a 24/7 service!

Whiteflies are known for their nutrient-sucking habits and their war on crops and plants, especially decorative plants. Understanding how to get rid of whiteflies can benefit farmers and home plant owners alike.


The whitefly has an incubation period of 4-12 days. After that, they pierce plants and suck out the sap for weeks before becoming full-fledged adults. And that’s when the problems go from bad to worse for your greens.


Whiteflies have their seasons in colder climates (and may last year-round in warmer areas) but can last indoors all year. Whatever your situation, here are a few tips on how to get rid of whiteflies from the industry professionals at East Coast Sprayers.


How to Get Rid of Whiteflies: 4 Steps


Though they don’t usually fall on lists of the most common lawn bugs, the whitefly is a powerful pest that can destroy your plants. They slowly deprive plants of nutrients and sustenance, killing many before you realize their impact.


They hang on the underside of plant leaves where they’re safe from the sun and hidden from predators while they feed. Besides growing in a clear greenhouse and quarantining plants for weeks, here’s how to get rid of whiteflies:


1. Identify Which Plants are Infested


Before you can understand how to deal with whiteflies, you need to find out where they’re gathering. This will help determine which plants are at a higher risk and how to treat them specifically.


You’ll have to look under the leaves to spot adult and immature whiteflies. Adult females usually leave somewhere between 200-400 tiny white eggs in clusters under leaves near the tops of plants.


2. Sticky Traps


By setting sticky traps, you can monitor the adult population and get figures. For larger crop areas, where it’s impossible to search every plant, a few random samples will give you an idea of the entire population.


You can purchase the typical yellow sticky traps from department stores, supermarkets, and pest control shops in your area. From there, place the traps throughout a greenhouse, but especially by doors and new plants.


In a larger field, disperse them evenly across the entire crop, but near newer crops especially.


3. Natural, Organic Pesticides for Larger Infestations


Major infestations will require some sort of pesticide, but you’ll want to be careful not to damage your plants in the process. Pesticides can also be extremely dangerous to humans.


Do a decent amount of research on the plants affected and what type of organic, natural pesticides are available for purchase.


If you’re unsure where to begin, consider products from brands like Safer and their competitors.


4. Finish Up with Horticultural Oils


Again, you’ll want to research what your plant or crop is susceptible to, but you may find relief in a horticultural oil. These oils go into a sprayer to coat plants and ultimately smother insects, from eggs to adults.


Lawncare Advice from the Professionals at East Coast Sprayers


You’ll need to do more research to determine how to get rid of whiteflies in your home or garden. And when you need more tips and tricks for healthy plants and a bountiful harvest or flowering, we’ve got just the resources!


Head on over to the East Coast Sprayers website now to learn more!

Each year, people spend almost $500 million collectively on tree care.


Clearly, tree care services are in serious demand. “But”, I hear you proclaim, “looking after my trees and shrubs isn’t so hard.” Although looking after your plants doesn’t seem that tough, there is actually a lot more involved than you would imagine. Tree care specialists can be a real lifesaver.


Read on for why you should consider a tree care service.


1. Specialized Care


Different tree and shrub varieties have different maintenance requirements. Proper technique and knowledge can only come after years of experience. If you don’t know what you’re doing it is easy to do more harm than good.


A specialist will know which trees are best pruned after blooming or in the late winter, for example. They will know which trees need to be cut back slowly and which need more vigorous trimming.


This expertise will meet your trees and shrubs’ specialized needs. This will allow your trees and shrubs to grow stronger and more beautiful.


2. Valuable Advice


Care requirements vary depending on the species and type of tree as well as the quality of soil in your area and amount of rainfall. Once a professional sees your plants and their growing conditions, they can tailor expert advice to best care for them individually. For example, they can recommend one fertilizer for one tree, and a different one for another. Or, they may recommend mulching for some trees but not others.


If you are having issues with one tree in particular or a group, you can discuss this and get personalized advice.


3. Spotting Disease


Various diseases can take over your plants if not caught and treated early. To the average eye, early signs like little cankers, or spots under leaves, may go unnoticed.


Professionals are trained to identify these early signs. They can tell the difference between serious and minor diseases from the early stages. Your arborist can correctly diagnose your tree so thalife-saving treatment can take place.


4. Equipment


Your tree care provider will have the right tools for any job, whether that is removing a damaged limb or performing a basic trim. Having the right tools mean there is less risk of damage to your plants and property.


Professional tools are expensive. Incremental borers can be over $200 alone! As they have the own equipment, hiring a specialist can save you money in the long run. You don’t need to worry about buying and storing your own.


5. Safety


Tree surgery comes with its dangers, especially when trimming down large limbs. It can also be difficult to identify problem trees and how to deal with them if you don’t know what to look for.


Certified arborists have trained in safety techniques to reduce risk. Their equipment includes items like harnesses to allow safe access to taller branches with no ladder access.


Find Reputable Tree Care Today


As you can see, a tree care service brings some real benefits.


Whether they are providing tips on how to best look after your plants, tackling issues the right way or even just bringing their own equipment, a tree care service is always worth it.


If you are looking for a tree care service, then contact us at East Coast Sprayers. We have been looking after landscapes for over 35 years and would be happy to design a tree and shrub care program catered to your needs.